Saturday, March 7, 2009

Artifact 3: Professor X's First Podcast

Ever wonder what it's like for first generation college students? Listen to Professor X's first podcast to hear from three of Texas Tech's own.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jennifer,
    I really enjoyed listening to your audio podcast.

    Professor X seems to be knowledgable and her voice is soothing, calming. The island music beat goes right along with Professor X's smooth vocals, offering handy, first-handed tips for surviving as a first generation college student.

    I'm one of those, and I can attest to the absolute correctness of the advise offered by your three interviewees. Even if you have to take Physics I over three times, do it, and don't quit...and you may make an A in Physics II, who knows! I did!

    I look forward to more Podcasts by Professor X.

    Happy Podcasting :) !

